Before you apply you should know the requirements and responsibilities that come with being a member of the Shenandoah Paranormal Watch team:

  • We are a completely volunteer group and never charge for our services.  We generate no money so all expenses would need to be covered by each individual team member.  Expenses will include:
    • Travel:  Gas, hotel rooms
    • Shirts:  All team membes will be required to purchase a shirt with the team logo
    • Food:  Meals and snacks for investigations and events
    • Investigation Fees:  Public investigation tickets at events and shares to rent public locations
    • Equipment if you wish to purchase any
  • We do several different types of paranormal investigation and services:
    • Private residential and business clients
    • Public locations (including famous ones)
    • All forms of hauntings from basic to demonic and everything in between
    • Cleansings, blessings, and deliverance/exorcism
    • Crossing over
    • Historical & Geographical research
    • Other spiritual solutions
    • Large events and paracons
    • Overnight investigations at large public places
  • We have Pagan team members and utilize Paganism into some of our services.  As a team member you’re not required to be Pagan but you are required respect the beliefs of all members and clients and to participate regardless of any possible clashes with your personal faith.  You’re free to practice and believe your own personal faith but the faith that takes presidence is that of the client.
  • Travel is required.  You must be willing and able to travel up to 5 hours away and stay overnight as well as entire weekends.
  • Reviewing hours upon hours of audio and video evidence is required.  If you’re not up for it then this may not be the team for you.
  • We are a professional team here to conduct paranormal research in order to learn about it and contribute to the field, and to help clients.  We have paperwork, methods, and rules.  If you just wish to have the experience of going into a haunted space or want to do this as a hobby this may not be the team for you.
  • We participate in conventions that we travel to and investigate major public locations, including renting them out for own private investigation.  If you are not ready to participate in these things that will come with a financial expense that you will be responsible for then this may not be the team for you.
  • Monthly meetings are required.
  • No experience is necessary, we will train you, but committment to the things listed here is a requirement to join and remain on the team.
  • We do team activities outside of paranormal investigations and events in order to promote teamwork, promote the team, keep in touch, and have fun together as a team.  If you are not ready to participate in these sorts of things this may not be the tream for you.
  • Posting on our social media is required.  In order for clients in need to find us we must maintain a presence on our social media.  One single person can’t handle it all so team members are expected to participate.  This consists of posting:
    • Memes
    • Articles
    • Posts
    • Questions
  • We have plenty of equipment but you are free to use your own with approval.
  • We have LGBTQ members so you have to be ok with that and them.
  • No politics are allowed-not during investigations or team events, not with clients, and certainly not in public.
  • Professionalism is a must at all times.  As a team member, your actions and words represent the entire team.
  • While this is not a full time job and not incredibly time consuming it does require large chunks of time, dedication, and committment.  Cases can be back to back or they can go with many months in between.
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